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  • #1099021


    I already asked this question in another thread.

    I want to use the Fullscreen slider for my website when it is viewed on a desktop computer. Because this slider cannot show images properly on smaller screens I want to use the fullwidth Easy slider for the smaller screens like mobile phone and tablet.

    In the screen options you have four options to do this:

    “Hide on large screens (wider than 990px – eg: Desktop)

    Hide on medium sized screens (between 768px and 989px – eg: Tablet Landscape)

    Hide on small screens (between 480px and 767px – eg: Tablet Portrait)

    Hide on very small screens (smaller than 479px – eg: Smartphone Portrait)”

    I check the box “Hide on large screens (wider than 990px – eg: Desktop)” for the Fullwidth Easy slider and leave the others empty. For the Fullscreen Slider I uncheck this box and mark all other boxes. Theoretically now my images should be seen with the Fullscreen slider only on my desktop computer which the settings state: “wider than 990px – eg: Desktop”
    Unfortunately this box also includes the Apple Ipad (version 3 and later) in landscape orientation which is clearly not a desktop computer. And on the Ipad around 40% of the image information is cut off from the bottom.

    I want to exclude the Ipad from this setting so that only the Fullwidth Easy Slider is beeing used for this device. But for this I need to change this value of 990px somehow and I don’t know how to do this.

    Best regards


    I have another question below



    Where can we see the element which you are having problems with?

    Best regards,

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