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  • #343811


    I’m curious as to how I can change the Ajax Search Image Icon that is shown in the drop down when using the search bar. I think the css is span.ajax-search-image. Can I use either my own image here? Or can I use a different icon? If so, how would I go about doing this?



    Hey connect4consulting!

    Open up /enfold/searchform.php and on line 17 you should see this,

    $icon = av_icon_char('search');

    You can change the “search” text to another entypo icon. You can find a list of all of the icons in /enfold/functions.php starting on line 154,

    'standard' 		=> array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue836'),
    'link'    		=> array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue822'),
    'image'    		=> array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue80f'),

    Let us know if that works for you.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
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