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  • #873656

    I need to change the main colour of the icon on my site (see private for the link). The icon is dull grey (which is the main style for my site).
    I don’t want to change my global settings but DO need to change this grey. I would like to retain the hover effect so the icon changes white on hover.
    If I manually change the custom colours, I can NOT select a colour for hover. The icon loses its functionality.
    How do I make these Icons (black #000000 for example) with a white hover.



    Hey Heathcliffe,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    #top .iconbox.av-no-box .iconbox_icon {
    #top .iconbox.av-no-box .iconbox_icon:hover {

    Best regards,


    Perfect. Thanks @Rikard

    It would be great if the option was in the user interface :)


    Hi Heathcliffe,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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