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  • #943313

    Found some info 2 years ago on the forum, but could’nt apply the solution
    in order to have a “google” structure of my website, i need to be able to change some predefine feature as Easyslider title in H1 and Icon box in H2 or H4
    How can i do that ?


    Hey lrdh,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    You have to modify the shortcode files inside the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes folder. Look for the iconbox.php and av-helper-slideshow.php file, line 509 and 438 respectively.

    line 509:

    if($title) $output .= 			"
    <h3 class='iconbox_content_title {$av_title_font_classes}' {$markup} {$title_styling}>".$title."</h3>

    line 438:

    if(trim($title) != "")   $title 	= "
    <h2 {$title_styling} class='avia-caption-title {$av_title_font_classes}' $markup_name>".trim(apply_filters('avf_slideshow_title', $title))."</h2>

    Best regards,


    maybe this is a solution for you:

    i edited the ( in this case four files )
    the page includes a how to on top
    if these files won’t work on the Version 4.3 to come – i will place new links there.

    edit – now even easyslider works this way:


    Great thanks i will try.
    Why enfold doesn’t propose Guenn007 option directly ?


    Well – i don’t know – i think this will be a nice thing to have.
    Feel free to make a feature request here:


    maybe i do somethiing wrong, i can see the icon list, and on the Header of the lider i got texte (2sd image)
    I ccreate the shortcodes folder under child theme and the icon…
    NBUt i miss something for sure, buecaue ican i can’t see the change and slider, i have text
    But thanks for your help, i will give a closer look


    your topic is about easy-slider isn’t it?
    What icons ?
    On that page there are also other alb elements with edited settings but you like to have the sliders ?

    it is i think a nice and noob secure description.

    1) create a subfolder in your child-theme folder called shortcodes
    2) place this in your child-theme functions.php :

    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);
    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
     $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
     array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
     return $paths;

    3) download the zip file and unzip it and upload all 4 files to that subfolder
    4) you can see what is new on sliders ( on easy slider see here :
    5) now you can choose what h tag you like to have and what font-size it got
    6) see on testpage that there is a h1 heading in one easy-slider slide.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.


    Thanks for sharing @guenni007, much appreciated :-)

    Best regards,


    if you like to have that too:

    But be carefull : New Enfold has its shortcodes about icon-box and icon list now in subfolders – and the hierarchical structure had to be preserved
    so the downloaded files comes to
    icon-list.php to child-theme/shortcodes/iconlist
    icon-box.php to child-theme/shortcodes/iconbox


    @guenni007 thanks so much, it works. This is really great tip
    do you have one in order to have wirdget title in H4 for the footer?
    otherwise i will directly do HTML text


    by the way i noticed that the subfolders are not necessary.
    I tested it on a playground of mine – when you put it directly in shortcodes folder it will work too.

    the widget tiltle setting to h3 is in : includes/admin/register-widget-area.php

    you can use in functions.php of your child-theme :

    Edit : better take the general replacement instructions – easier to understand

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.

    this here is a very general replace script and easier to adjust for code beginners:

    function replace_tags_with_tags(){
      (function( $ ) {
    	$(document).ready(function() {       	
    			function replaceElementTag(targetSelector, newTagString) {
    					var newElem = $(newTagString, {html: $(this).html()});
    					$.each(this.attributes, function() {
    						newElem.attr(, this.value);
    			replaceElementTag('h3.widgettitle', '<h4></h4>');
    			replaceElementTag('.avia_textblock h2', '<h4></h4>');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'replace_tags_with_tags');

    you see here in this part – you can add more replacings separated by semicolon:

    replaceElementTag('h3.widgettitle', '<h4></h4>');
    replaceElementTag('.avia_textblock h2', '<h4></h4>');

    for you only the first line is important
    replaceElementTag('h3.widgettitle', '<h4></h4>');

    But : That should always be the last solution. It is always better to set the right values directly when creating an element.
    But i do not have yet an idea to influence that register-widget-area.php via child-theme – i do not see a filter f.e. that fits – maybe a mod knows a child-theme handling of that.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.


    Thanks a lot for sharing @guenni007, much appreciated :-)

    Best regards,


    since the update of the theme, It seems that I have issue with this code, i don’t see anymore the image of my slider, or it is very long to upload
    or the text doen’t appear.
    Anyone got the same problem ?


    Hi lrdh,

    If you are referring to the page in private, then I can see the slider just fine.

    Best regards,

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