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  • #430280

    Hi – If you look at
    All the quotes I imported from are now in huge lighter grey text with a purple bar on the side.

    Where can I change those settings? For example, I’d like them in black, 16 font italic – indented, but without the purple bar.



    Hi dominiquehurley ;
    try to add these lines into your custom css file ;

    blockquote {border:none !important;}
    blockquote p{font-size: 16px !important; color: #000 !important; font-style: italic !important;}

    Thanks again begrafiks! What a blessing it is to be tech-savvy. We all have our gifts, but that’s not one of mine. It worked. Resolved.


    Actually, not completely resolved. This is a blog post I had issues with back in I had had to put period and return space in the copy so that I would have lines in between. Now, here, the first quote is in the new format, but all the others are in the fat grey font.

    I’ve gone in and taken out the periods and unclicked quote and reclicked it – but still grey.
    I’m going through all my posts to check if there are others.

    Any advice?


    Hi dominiquehurley ;
    I do know what is “a blog post I had issues with back in”; but it creates a >div> and >span> in your blockquote.
    #1 if it’s possible try to paste your content in “text” mode in to your post,
    otherwise use these lines of code (instead of those ones above)

    blockquote {border:none !important;}
    blockquote *{font-size: 16px !important; color: #000 !important; font-style: italic !important;}

    The selector ” * ” selects all elements in the ” blockquote ” selector

    You have your “gift” too; I mean your art
    so no blessing to be or not something else

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by begrafiks.

    Sorry begraphics – I don’t understand what you mean by:
    I do know what is “a blog post I had issues with back in”; but it creates a >div> and >span> in your blockquote.
    #1 if it’s possible try to paste your content in “text” mode in to your post,”

    Do you mean use Text instead of Visual editor? If yes, I get quite nervous just looking at all that code in there. I don’t think I could work there. I’ve been typing in Visual editor, highlighting and using the ” button to create quotes.

    Great news though – I replaced the old code you gave me with the new and it took care of it. Thank you. Resolved.

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