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  • #25833

    Hi, could you help to advise how to change the font size of the caption and content of the easyslider as shown in the link below? I want to change the caption to H1 and content to H3, thanks in advance!


    Open up wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesslideshow.php and replace

    if(trim($title) != "")   $title 	= "<h2 class='avia-caption-title'>".trim(apply_filters('avf_slideshow_title', $title))."</h2>";
    if(trim($content) != "") $content = "<div class='avia-caption-content'>".wpautop(ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop(trim($content)))."</div>";


    if(trim($title) != "")   $title 	= "<h1 class='avia-caption-title'>".trim(apply_filters('avf_slideshow_title', $title))."</h1>";
    if(trim($content) != "") $content = "<div class='avia-caption-content'><h3>".wpautop(ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop(trim($content)))."</h3></div>";


    thanks and how to disable/delete the layslider plugin?


    and when I use the fullwidth slider in version 1.7.1, there is not the option to “Stretch image to fit the slideshow size?” and thus the result in the up and bottom blank space, you can find what it looks like in the link below, pls. advise how to recovery the option, thanks!

    the problem in version 1.7.1

    the perfect effect in version 1.6


    sorry for a mistake and the problem for the fullwidth easyslider is now solved, pls. help to advise how to delete the layerslider, thanks!



    First, delete or remove all Layer Slider elements on the entire website.

    Edit functions.php, find this code

    require_once( 'config-layerslider/config.php' ); //layerslider plugin

    Replace it with

    //require_once( 'config-layerslider/config.php' ); //layerslider plugin

    Then go to wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodes > locate slideshow_layerslider.php and remove it.




    thanks! also I would like suggest that the theme shall have the option to turn on/off such plugins as woocommerce and layerslider, even if I disable such plugins, still the css for them is still there, which isn’t good for the speed optimization.



    I’ll ask Kriesi to look into it.

    Best regards,


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