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  • #787962

    I have been asked to customize the header of a site based on Enfold and place some content above the top navigation menu. I see that the menu is laid out vertically using inline style declarations to set the height and line-height to a specific value for each menu item, and I need to reduce this to allow for space above the menu. Is there a hook for these menu items that I can use to adjust these inline style values to reduce the height of the nav items? I’ve looked at the nav_menu_link_attributes filter, but this doesn’t seem to be getting run for the top menu (although I am seeing it being run in the footer menu).


    Hey ruxedllc,

    I hope I am understanding you correctly but this should be able to be done by simply overriding the default css. Add your own css to the Quick CSS block and be sure to declare !important;

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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