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  • #516900

    hello :)

    can you help me?
    I have a difficult problem..

    first, i have a plug-in php code.
    That’s it <? if(function_exists(“xBreadcrumbs”)){ xBreadcrumbs(); } ?>
    This PHP coding is provided xBreadcrumbs Plugin..

    Just I want this code is adding my website!

    Like This

    I guess that solution file is located in \enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\section.php …
    But I don’t know that how to modifying.

    Please Help me please :(

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by celebcomms.

    Hey celebcomms!

    What happens when you add it to the bottom of the header.php file?

    EDIT: Ok your screenshot is loading for me now. I see your wanting it to display after a color section so it’s going to be difficult. If you add it to the color section shortcode file then it’s going to display every time you use a color section. Is that what your wanting?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Elliott.

    Yes Of Course!
    It’s Exactly!

    I use the one time color section each page.
    It doesn’t matter to me.

    Please Help me.



    On line 687 you should see this.

    $output .= "</div></div>{$cm}</div>".avia_sc_section::$add_to_closing.avia_sc_section::$close_overlay."</div>";

    Try adding this to the next line.

     if(function_exists(“xBreadcrumbs”)){ $output .= xBreadcrumbs(); } 

    If the plugin shortcode returns the content instead of echoing it then that might work. If it echoes the content then not sure what we could do there. You could try using a plugin such as PHPExec to execute PHP in the editor.



    I try to your solution, but i still go through difficulty..

    Like This..

    Could you help me at my website backend?
    I surely solving this problem…
    Please Help me.

    P.s plug-in information

    Plugin install and activating description:

    Important: Please note that xBreadcrumbs will not appear automatically on the front-end of your website. You should edit your theme file(s), usually it’s header.php file of your WordPress theme and add the following snippet code:  
    if(function_exists(“xBreadcrumbs”)){ xBreadcrumbs(); } 


    I think this won’t be easily possible and and we can’t provide support for any 3rd party plugins, as written in our support policy. Please ask plugin’s author about it.
    If they can’t provide you a solution for it, you would need to hire a freelance developer for this job and you can find one for example here:


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