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  • #420055


    I need to add this script between <head> </head> -tags, but how do I do it? It is some kind of chat add on for websites.

    The script is:

    <!– giosg tag –>
    (function(w, t, f) {
    var s=’script’,o=’_giosg’,h=’;,e,n;e=t.createElement(s);e.async=1;e.src=h+’/live/’;
    <!– giosg tag –>


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Designton.

    Hi Designton!

    You can go to Enfold theme options and add the code to Google Analytics field



    Hi, is there a way to place a script between the <head></head> tags on a specific page? I need to add some code to a thank you page which is where the visitor gets redirected to after filling in a form.



    To do that, you would need to use a conditional if stament, which would allow you to show things, only on one page, into your header.php.

    Here is the link to the codex, you just need to add a CSS style, only for one page.

    Example of code:

    	if ( is_page( 'web-content' ) ) { ?> 
    <?php } else { ?> 



    The Google Analytics field places the script at the bottom of the body tag. Is there a similar way to get it placed at the bottom of the </head> tag?


    Hi @Dax,

    So I’m guessing you got your problem fixed?

    Best regards,

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