We are constructing our Chinese website with Enfold theme and we’d like to import Noto Sans TC (Chinese Traditional) from Google font.
How to make it show in styling session so that we could choose it?
Thank you.
Hey latias333,
Please refer to this post – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/register-additional-google-fonts-for-theme-options/
Best regards,
Hi Yigit
Thank you! I just figured it out!
Thanks for letting us know.
Please consider to also rate our theme at themeforest, it help us a lot.
Thanks for your time and patience, we do appreciate it.
Hello Enfold Team,
I am also the same problem that. I have tried to add code in functions.php in child theme , but still does not work.
add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
$fonts['Noto Sans TC'] = 'Noto Sans TC:400,700';
return $fonts;
add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'avia_add_content_font');
function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
$fonts['Noto Sans TC'] = 'Noto Sans TC:400,700,400italic,700italic';
return $fonts;
Noto Sans TC (Chinese Traditional) is not at “fonts.google.com”
Google Font link is @import url (// fonts.googleapis.com/earlyaccess/notosanstc.css);
what should I do?
thank you.