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  • #491131

    Hi guys, sorry, but couldn’t find the answer to this… do add the latest blog post summaries to the enfold footers…


    Hi jnrdavo!

    Please go to Appearance > Widgets and add Enfold latest news widget to one of your footer columns :)

    Best regards,


    thanks for that Yigit.

    I had that up before, but it’s showing the first blog entries at the top of the list (ie, the earliest ones), when I need to show the ‘latest’ blog entries at the top of the list..

    Any ideas how to flip this?



    Please go to Enfold/framework/php file and open class-framework-widgets.php file and change line 425 into

    $additional_loop = new WP_Query("cat=".$cat."&posts_per_page=".$count."&orderby=post_date&order=desc");

    Best regards,


    thanks for that, but when I change the code, I get the following error on the home page now:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘$additional_loop’ (T_VARIABLE), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /home/XXXX/public_html/V4/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php on line 425


    sorry, I must have typed it in wrong. No code errors now, but the blog is still showing the oldest at the top of the list..


    actually, on looking at this, the ‘popular’ was the first option selected. Can I change the ‘default’ selection to ‘recent’?



    Look for this code around line 934:

    echo '<div class="tab first_tab active_tab widget_tab_popular"><span>'.__('Popular', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content active_tab_content'>";
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo '<div class="tab widget_tab_recent"><span>'.__('Recent', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content'>";

    Replace it with:

    echo '<div class="tab first_tab widget_tab_popular"><span>'.__('Popular', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content'>";
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo '<div class="tab active_tab widget_tab_recent"><span>'.__('Recent', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content active_tab_content'>";


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