I have added a small amount of content to the extra elements section on the header.
I would like to break this content up so it is not so long and is over 2 lines.
As in this mock up here http://meetthemanufacturer.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Screen-Shot-2016-04-28-at-07.38.08-3-1030×196.jpg
How do I do this?
The url for the website is: http://www.meetthemanufacturer.co.uk
And if also wanted to add another logo to the RHS of the header just below the extra elements text, how would I do that?
Thanks for your help!
Another question to add to this is how do I avoid the menu going onto 2 lines when on a slightly narrower screen? Is there any way of justifying the navigation menu to the LHS?
Hi makeitbritish!
Thanks for getting in touch with us!
To have the content separate in to 2 lines; after the first line add the <br> tag then move on to the second line. You could even try adding the second logo in the extra content section after the second line using this <img src="http://yourimage" alt="" />
and add the source to your second logo.
Another alternative is http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/adding-a-widget-area-to-the-header/
And you do not wish for the main menu to go to 2 lines on narrower screens or wish for is to be justified left even if on 2 lines?