Hi! Just wondering if there is a way to stop image filenames from displaying on mouseover?
Also same question for captions. I’ve noticed when I view a thumbnail gallery that clicks through to lightbox display on my phones, once I click on one image to preview it displays the caption and that never disappears even when going to another image. I think I’d prefer to just eliminate captions from loading on mouseover altogether.
Thanks in advance!
Hey johnlaunstein!
The filename when hovering is the title of your image, if you edit your images in the Media library and remove the title it should not show up.
I’m a bit unsure what you mean about the captions, could you provide us with screenshots highlighting the issue please?
Best regards,
I just had this issue and
found good solution on WP.org forum
Add to footer.php before </body>:
<script type=”text/javascript”>