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  • #457130

    I have made a series of changes to the file enfold/functions-enfold.php but of course everytime the Enfold theme is updated these changes get replaced by the updated version of the file.

    I was hoping I could use the file enfold-child/functions.php to override the parent one, but I don’t know how to force the browser to know which of the functions to use as a preference…

    I am looking for a similar way so adding !important; to the end of a CSS class.

    Is there someway to OVERRIDE a function in another child file?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by ColinWalton. Reason: typo


    You can’t simply override the whole functions-enfold.php in your child theme, however most of those functions are “pluggable”, meaning you can simply paste the whole code block to your child theme functions.php and it will load that instead –

    Best regards,


    Ok thanks will have a go at that.

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