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  • #1150486

    I have two pages on my site that use the contact form. Currently, the Submit button is in the style that automatically comes with the contact form. I had styled other buttons throughout the site and I would like the Submit button on the contact form to be the same as the rest of the site – is this possible?

    This is the Advanced Styling I used to style the other buttons on the site:
    60px radius – Work Sans font – 16px font size – Uppercase Text Transform – 0.05em letter spacing (other settings – default)

    This is the colour of what I would like the submit buttons to be: #0dbfbf

    Links to website in private area!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by FA123. Reason: More information!

    Hey FA123,

    Add this to quick css:

    border-radius: 50px!important;

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thanks you, that worked! Appreciate it :)


    Hi FA123,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    So I used the quick CSS above and although I thought it was perfect at the time – I just noticed there is a tiny border/outline underneath the button like a drop shadow of sorts. Can this be removed?



    Add this to quick css:

    .main_color input[type='submit']{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you that worked perfectly! Case closed :-)



    Perfect, I’m happy to help. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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