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  • #300818

    How do I create a Parallax Scroller for the homepage on Enfold?

    Any help much appreciated.



    Hey Nik!

    Please see – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/add-anchors-to-your-page-for-single-page-navigation/
    You can add Color Section element to your page under Layout Elements in Advanced Layout Builder and then insert a background image to it and choose “Parallax” as “Background Attachment”

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    I’ve tried to follow your instructions on this page


    I have 2 problems

    1) The parallax effect is very minimal. Is there anyway to slow down the scrolling speed of the background?

    2) My background image is 2000 x 940 pixels and when I use it for a parallax effect using a competing theme the background is sharp, but when I try using as a background on Enfold it is very blurry.




    Hi again,

    I fixed issue 2. I didn’t notice that I was uploading a full screen image but the uploader was selecting a smaller size.

    and issue 1


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by seanchk.


    Before adding the image as background, did you select the thumbnail size in the ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS > Size?


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