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  • #429562

    I need to show diferents toggle links, like:
    + Toggle 1
    + Toggle 2
    + Toggle 3

    In every toggle (1,2,3) I want to show diferent image galleries:
    Toggle 1 contains the gallery 1 (image1, image2, image3, etc…)
    Toggle 2 contains the gallery 2 (image11, image22, image33, etc…)
    Toggle 3 contains the gallery 3 (image111, image222, image333, etc…)

    How can I do it?

    Now in the toggle link I can insert images, like:
    Toggle 1 contains the images: image1, image2, image3, etc…
    Toggle 2 contains the images: image11, image22, image33, etc…

    But when I open the toggle link showing the images, this show all the images of all the toggle links, not only the certain toggle:
    Opening the Toggle 1, it shows me the images image1, image2, image3, etc…, but when I make click in a image, it runs the lightbox and in this lightbox way it shows me all the images, from the toggle 1 and the toggle 2 to.
    I want gallery that only the lightbox shows me the images that I insert in this concret gallery, not the images from all the other galleries.

    In this url you can see what I mean:

    A example of the toggle problem
    A example of a galleries, that woks fine, but I need this galleries into the toggle, or maybe in other way that only shows the images making click in a certain text, like “Visita de obra: 16 d’abril del 2015”.

    Have you any suggestion about it, pelase?

    Thanks in advance.



    Hi bcndisseny!

    First off do this,

    Next edit your page and switch to Advanced Layout Editor and then click on the “Media” tab. There is an element there called “Gallery”. Create a few galleries and set your images and look into the debug view and you’ll see the shortcodes for each gallery. You can copy that shortcode and paste it inside each toggle of the accordion to get the effect your wanting.

    After your done the end result would look something like this.

    [av_toggle_container initial='0' mode='accordion' sort='']
    [av_toggle title='Toggle 1' tags='']
    [av_gallery ids='113,102' style='thumbnails' preview_size='portfolio' crop_big_preview_thumbnail='avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb' thumb_size='portfolio' columns='5' imagelink='lightbox' lazyload='avia_lazyload']
    [av_toggle title='Toggle 2' tags='']
    [av_gallery ids='63,11' style='thumbnails' preview_size='portfolio' crop_big_preview_thumbnail='avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb' thumb_size='portfolio' columns='5' imagelink='lightbox' lazyload='avia_lazyload']


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Elliott.

    Thanks Elliot!
    I try it without exit. I do:

    In functions.php, after this line: if(isset($avia_config[‘use_child_theme_functions_only’])) return;
    I insert:
    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action(‘avia_builder_mode’, “builder_set_debug”);
    function builder_set_debug()
    return “debug”;

    2.- I close the wp admin and login again.
    I understand that I must see this:
    “You should now see a new field under the Advanced Layout Builder with the live output of the elements as you add them using the drag and drop interface.”
    But there’s not change, I have not this new field… (I attach a print screen)

    Is it the right way for accessing to the debug?

    Thanks in advance!



    Thanks a lot Elliot!
    Sorry for my misunderstanding. I do your instrucctions and the toggle and galleries works perfectly!
    Have a great weekend!



    Great, glad we could help :)


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