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  • #203141

    hi there,
    i’m knocking up a basic business site for a friend as a favour using the enfold theme.

    they asked me the following:

    can you add making change happen’ to the name chosen
    – Add as a sub-headline: Helping you improve business performance

    is there a way i can add both of these to the top of all the pages?



    Hey paulrt27!

    I’m not really sure what you are asking. Do you have a mock up or can you point out a specific example page and where this would go?



    hi there,
    would normally just go under where the enfold logo is, for example, if you go to settings and and general within WP, you have the site title and underneath you get the tagline text, i would like if poss for the tagline text to be displayed across all pages somewhere underneath where the main logo is.
    thanks for your help…


    also, just aside from the other. when i scroll down with the mouse wheel the enfold logo at the top of the page gets smaller which looks a bit odd, is it possible to stop this. i’ll obviously be swapping this image for my own logo at some point soon but just wonder if it might do the same regardless?



    You can edit header.php or /includes/helper-main-menu.php if you have 2.6+, find this code:

    echo avia_logo(AVIA_BASE_URL.'images/layout/logo.png', false, 'strong');

    Below, add this code:

    echo "<div class='site-description'>".get_bloginfo ( 'description' )."</div>";

    Edit Enfold > Styling > Quick CSS, add this code:

    .site-description {
    bottom: -30px;
    position: absolute;
    font-size: 11px;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    since the update to 2.6 this does not work any more because the header.php looks totally different! How can I add a tagline again on my Blog http://miApple.me?

    Gee Are

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