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  • #1268487

    Dear Support Team and Enfold Community,
    I’ve got an interesting challenge: I’m using the Ultimate Learning Pro plugin and I’d like to override the plugin’s CSS when it comes to fonts and button colors with the Enfold CSS that I’ve selected in the General Styling section.
    In other words, I don’t want to completely eliminate the CSS from the plugin… I just want to say, “ignore the plugin styles for the font and buttons and default to the Enfold CSS.”
    Any ideas?
    Many thanks for the help.


    Hey Timothy,

    Unfortunately, not all plugins have such an option. If it’s not a lot, we could try to help you with the css.

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria,
    Thank you for your reply and your generous offer to assist.
    I’m trying to analyze the page structure and cross reference it with the CSS… and then figure out how I can turn off the plugin CSS for certain elements without having to hard code the changes in the plugin style sheet… which would of course mean that all that work would be reverted the next time the plugin is updated.
    So, as a prime example, how can I tell the system to ignore the font the plugin assigns and instead use the Enfold font? Is there a way to do that? If so, where do I start?


    Hi Tim,

    Try asking from Ultimate Learning Pro plugin’s support on how to disable their CSS.
    Maybe there are some hooks that can be used to remove those enqueued styles.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Nikko.

    Dear Nikko,
    Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve already put in a support request, but no response yet. If I do get an answer, I’ll be sure to share.
    Does anyone have any other ideas?


    Hi Tim,

    Can you give us temporary admin access? so we can look into the plugin’s code.

    Best regards,


    Many thanks for the offer. I’ve changed my tactic and have decided to write rules that would override the plugin stylesheet. Redundant… but it gives me maximum control.
    A tip for those like me who dabble only occasionally with CSS: I work in Safari and have just discovered that you can pinpoint the selector path by hovering over the element > double-click > inspect element, then, go to the highlighted source code of the element and double-click > copy > selector path. Then, final step, go to the Enfold General Styling > Quick CSS box and paste and voila’! You can write whatever CSS code you need and you don’t to waste time hunting down the best way to target the element. A real time saver.
    Best to all.


    Hi Tim,

    We’re glad to hear that and thanks for sharing a very helpful tip :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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