Hi, I am trying to use our corporate font in the Layer Slider so it is in line with all of our branding. However when I put the name with is Tahoma the font looks bold and not quite right. I am not a developer just a mere designer so I googled HTML and found the following code
<p style=”font-family:Tahoma;color:#F26522;font-size:35px;”>Accredited Courses</p>
If you check out this homepage you will see how it dip lays, compare that with the screenshot I have attached and you will notice the difference. I’m sure it is my lack of knowledge in this area so your expertise would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Kinnear
I just noticed that I can’t attach it, so just check out this page as it is how it should look. I tried to add the word regular thinking that work and that changed the type completely. http://test.uych.vic.edu.au/?page_id=3196
Hey uychkinnear!
Thank you for using the theme!
I checked the website but I don’t see any layer slider there. I saw an image with the word “Accredited Courses” though. You can change the font on the layer slider on the layers’ Styles panel. Look for the Font > Family field.
Best regards,
Thanks I tried that and it works however the font is bold. The slider is on the homepage http://test.uych.vic.edu.au slide 2. If you check this page this is how it look http://test.uych.vic.edu.au/?page_id=3196
Is there anyway to make the font regular as changing it is not an option because we have printed brochures with this font.
cheers Kinnear