i would like to add a font-style (blinking-font and specific colors) to this shortcode:
[eeb_mailto email=” (Email address hidden if logged out) ” ] the shortcode is from the plugin (private content).
How can i do that?
kind regards
Hey Jak73,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Where did you add the shortcode? Please provide a link to the page containing the shortcode so that we can check the actual rendered element.
Best regards,
where should the font take effect? in the form, or at the recipient of the message. The latter would virtually force the recipient to load the font on his device, which would not be compliant with the GDPR if it were possible at all.
Hi Guenni,
even than, when i uploaded the goolgle fonts with: import/export:Custom Font Manager on my ftp?
kind regards Jak
if you only like to influence the form that is generated on the frontend – mostly these plugins will set a custom class to name the form.
But why such a site that offers an email obfuscator doesn’t even have an email on the site is beyond me. The whole page would be in Germany (without imprint and privacy page) anyway not DSGVO compliant.