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  • #295904

    where are these states saved?
    I want to change the hover state of the mega menu list points, because they do not do the same as the other list points (and sublistings)
    No background change on hover.


    Hi Guenter!

    Editing “Main Menu sublevel Links” in Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling tab works fine for MegaMenu dropdowns on my local installation. Can you post the link to your website and point out the issue please ?



    hm sorry – i don’t want to change the background colors of the hoverstates in normal but in off-canvas menu.
    All links there have a hover state but the first level under a mega-menu topic not

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    sorry i found it by myself:

    #mobile-advanced a:hover, #mobile-advanced .mega_menu_title:hover  {
    background-color: #ffd900 !important; color: #fff !important

    but one question allthough:

    you see in that page above that the color of the font changes only if i hover the a – i want to obtain it (same as on first level links) when i hover the span state



    Sorry Guenter, but i am not sure if i understood you. Could you please elaborate?


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    Sorry for the late reply Guenter! Please add following code to Quick CSS

    span.mega_menu_title.heading-color.av-special-font:hover > a {
    color: white!important;


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