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  • #635247

    I want it that the popup appearing if you hover over the icons on the map is above the menus. I tried changing the the z-index of the popup container but nothing is changing at all.

    Example page:

    Pls help me.

    Best regards



    Hi @p3LZ3r;
    Your “sub-menu” has z-index=301
    Your “container” in your “color section” has no z-index
    You have given to your “.map-marker-info” z-index=999

    I think you should target the z-index of your “container” in your “color section”

    and see Turn on Custom CSS Class field for all ALB Elements


    Hi @p3LZ3r,

    Did you try out @begrafiks suggestion and did you have any luck with it?



    I tried a few configurations. In the end i just could make the whole map in front of the menu and not just the popup-info as intended.

    It looks like every z-index change i do just gets ignored even with !important.

    So i still need a solution.



    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    #top #sub_menu1 {

    Best regards,

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