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  • #570599

    Hiya Guys
    I’ve looked and looked, both in your support forum pages and trying Firebug in Firefox to locate where to change the contact form ‘required’ element code (It should at least be spelt ‘Required’ with a capital ‘R’) to not only change the wording/text but also the style and to replace/remove the ellipsis (…)
    Your help is greatly appreciated!
    See private link below for screen grab for extra clarification
    I hope that’s all clear
    Thanks for your great support as ever!


    Hey Craig!

    Replace the contents of /enfold/framework/php/class-form-generator.php with the following:

    Best regards,


    Thanks Josue!
    I have now also found a way to compare 2 files (it’s great to constantly learn!) so I can see exactly what you have edited :-)
    I tried to create that same file/directory structure under the Enfold child theme on the server but that didn’t work
    Is there a way I can implement the changes inside the child theme instead of the parent theme? I hope so. Let me know
    Your insight is very impressive!
    Also, the support forum text styling/functionality is very impressive too!
    I just realised I spelt the title ‘How’ incorrectly!? ‘Butter fingers’. I was really pleased to be able to edit the support title afterwards :-)
    Thanks again



    If you want to have this on a child theme all you need to do is include the customizedd class-form-generator.php file in your child functions.php (folder structure doesn’t matter):

    require( 'class-form-generator.php' );


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