Hi guys, I am missing the “Horizontal gallery” element.
Have you changed something with your theme? If so, is it possible to downgrade to some previous version where I can use this element? Or is it possible to put it back. I really like this element and need to use it.
Thank you,
Hey Lukas,
Please edit the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes > gallery_horizontal.php file, remove everything within then replace it with the following code.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Hi Jordan,
It runs. Perfect. Thank you very much.
Issue solved, you can close this case.
Thanks again,
Hello again,
unfortunately I have some issue somewhere.
I made the change in the gallery_horizontal.php file. On my main domain is everything OK, but my subdomain doesn’t show slideshow controls and image link is inactive but its set to active.
From this change I have an issue with the menu. I don’t know why, I see some black point before every name of section.
I’ve already tried reinstall wordpress and your theme. Still the same. If I replace the changed php file to the old one, the issue is the same. Only horizontal gallery will disappear.
Could you help me with these issues, please?
Please, may you provide to us your page link with this problem?
Best regards,
John Torvik
Hi John,
Murphy’s law works. With your message, my problem has disappeared.
I’m sorry, you can close this case.