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  • #737752

    Hi there,

    we recently started using an on-page text to speech plugin ( which provides a WordPress Plugin and works perfectly fine with current Enfold.


    The player for the reading functionality is always inserted on the top of the page, below the menu. I looked it up in the plugin files and it seems the insert is done on the hook wp_head. This doesn’t always makes sense. The plugin allows the player to be added mulitple times on one page, thats why I want to add the player at the top of each colored section Is that possible, is there a hook for that?

    Regards Ben

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Oberlinhaus.

    Hey Oberlinhaus,

    can you provide a precise link where we can inspect the elements in question and a screenshot showing clearly where we should look at please? use or dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    I uploaded the WP Plugin PHP file and a screenshot where it puts the player. The player is put always at the top of the site. I want that the player is put at the start of each colored section, only reading, whats in that section.

    Readspeaker gives a way to implement that manually but there is a reason I am using a CMS :)

    How to implement Readspeaker into body:

    <div id="readspeaker_button1" class="rs_skip rsbtn rs_preserve">
        <a rel="nofollow" title="Um den Text anzuh&ouml;ren, verwenden Sie bitte ReadSpeaker" href="//[READID]&url=[ENCODED_URL]">
            <span class="rsbtn_left rsimg rspart"><span class="rsbtn_text"><span>Vorlesen</span></span></span>
            <span class="rsbtn_right rsimg rsplay rspart"></span>

    [READID]: Insert DIV ID of content to read e.g. “readspeaker_button1



    not sure what you want to do, it’s quite confusing to me how you explain everything. But as far as I understand it you could create WordPress’ Templates:

    Best regards,


    Hi Chris,

    okay I try to clairfy:

    the aim is to implement a reading-player at the start of each colored section. I assume to use multiple sections on each page.

    Readspeaker gives 2 ways of implementation:
    1. Plugin (see plugin file)
    2. Manually (see html above)

    The way I see it is that plugin automates what i usally would to manually.

    Manual method is to give each colored section an ID, then add the player code by hand (see post above) and change the READID to the ID of the colored section box. I have to do it for each page for multiple sections.

    The plugin – automated way – to me means to modify the plugin.php or the functions.php so that it does the following when a colored sections is used somewhere:

    • Give section an ID
    • Insert the player code using the ID

    As far as I understand it is what I need a modification of the hook when sections are inserted into the main content?



    Unfortunately it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However if its really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :). You can find one here:

    Best regards,

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