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  • #1139520

    Hello Everyone,

    My site is working, however can’t be indexed by google or anyother service. It kicks back a 404 error. For example if you plugin the URL to Page Speed Insights it gives me this error:

    ERRORED_DOCUMENT_REQUEST. Lighthouse was unable to reliably load the page you requested. Make sure you are testing the correct URL and that the server is properly responding to all requests. (Status code: 404)

    The website seems to be working except with bots try to hit it? I have narrowed the issue down to the Enfold theme. Page Speed Insights works just fine with he theme disabled.


    Hey legendzero,
    Sorry for the late reply, I tested your site with Page Speed Insights and WebPageTest and didn’t get a 404 error.
    I was going to suggest looking at your theme settings for the custom 404 page or maintenance page for when you were creating your site, but it seems to be working fine now.

    Best regards,

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