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  • #630548

    I have managed to create the homepage I want however the option for button is only 2. We have 4 services so I want to have 4 buttons the 2 I have created and another 2 directly underneath them. I know this isn’t standard but I am hoping you can help me with some CSS or another option if you have one because I can’t just have 2 based on our service offerings and I don’t want them to be on another image. I want the same information with the buttons on every slide.

    really hope you can help, cheers Kinnear



    You could use multiple buttons shortcodes as ‘captions’ instead of the default 2 buttons option:

    [av_button label='Click me' link='manually,http://' link_target='' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' size='small' position='center' icon_select='yes' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello']

    Best regards,



    Can you please outline the steps as I am a designer not a developer. I have used shortcake before I just need to know where to put it?

    Basically where to I put the code and how do I make sure they are place correctly under the slider header.

    cheers Kinnear



    Check the site, i added the following to the first slide caption:

    <div class='framed'>Supporting the community</div>
    <div class='buttons'>
    [av_button label='Children’s Services' link='page,5710' color='light' size='medium' position='left' icon_select='no']
    [av_button label='Training' link='page,5710' color='theme-color' size='medium' position='left' icon_select='no']
    [av_button label='Extra Button' link='page,5710' color='theme-color' size='medium' position='left' icon_select='no']
    [av_button label='Extra Button' link='page,5710' color='theme-color' size='medium' position='left' icon_select='no']</div>

    Change the link for the 2 extra buttons (5710 is Page ID). Also added this to Quick CSS:

    /* Slider extra buttons */
        width: 55%;
    .avia-caption-content .framed {
        background: #000;
        filter: alpha(opacity = 80);
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
        display: inline-block;
        margin: 0 0 1px 0;
        padding: 10px 15px;
    .avia-caption-content .buttons br{
        display: none;
    .avia-caption-content .buttons a{
        text-decoration: none !important;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        padding: 15px 16px;
    .avia-caption-content .buttons a.avia-color-light {
        padding: 12px 16px;
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Josue.

    Thanks so much, greatly appreciated, one more thing. I have managed to remake the buttons however how do I think the page. Where do I find the page number to link the buttons?

    I checked the url and found a number 5301 but it didn’t work. I then pasted the page url however that didn’t work kept defaulting to the home page so I know I did something wrong.

    Please supply me with instructions so I can learn to do it myself so I change it in the future.

    cheers Kinnear



    The number does display in the URL when you edit the Page in the backend –

    If it’s not working indicate the Buttons-Pages to be linked and i’ll do it for you.

    Best regards,


    Hi, I added the Children’s Service and In Home Care link and they worked however the one for Community School displaying the homepage. The page number is still in the code but here they are if you need them

    Community School page 5301

    Also I need an extra button to the right of the Formerly Upper Yarra Community House header with a link to a page with the video (don’t like where it is on the homepage because you have scroll down and it looks a bit naff). This will be removed after 2 months it is just to explain the rebrand to the community. Hope this can be done, cheers Kinnear



    The page id is correct but there is no space between the id and the color parameter which is why it’s not working previously. Please remove browser cache or hard refresh the page:

    Best regards,


    Dear Josue, Dear Ismael,

    I would also like to add more than two buttons on the silder. Where did you put the the divs? I couldn’t figure that out.

    I would also like to use a transparent png for the heading instead of the webfont on the slider. Is that possible?

    Thank you in advance for any help.




    HI, Kinnear here,

    Not sure what there is a query above from Nedim but anyway thanks for fixing the community school button. I also had another question that wasn’t answered regarding the an extra button, see below copy of the requrst.

    Also I need an extra button to the right of the Formerly Upper Yarra Community House header with a link to a page with the video (page to link it to is This will be removed after 2 months it is just to explain the rebrand to the community. Hope this can be done, cheers Kinnear.

    Can you please get back to me ASAP as we go live next week

    cheers Kinnear



    I would also like to add more than two buttons on the silder. Where did you put the the divs? I couldn’t figure that out.

    : It was added in the slider’s caption field. For inquiries, please feel free to create a new thread.

    : That page is blank. Could you please provide a screenshot of what you’re intending to do?

    Best regards,


    Hi, I know the page is blank as I haven’t set it up yet I just need a button on the homepage slider next to the sub header which will point to that page, can this be done?

    I currently have 4 buttons under the header and sub heading I just to to add a 5th next to the right of the sub heading. I don’t have a screnshot because the bottom doesn’t exist at present, that is what I am asking you for. Hope this makes sense as I am a designer not a techo so thanks for your patience.

    The button can be the same colour blue with white text.

    cheers Kinnear



    I currently have 4 buttons under the header and sub heading I just to to add a 5th next to the right of the sub heading. I don’t have a screnshot because the bottom doesn’t exist at present, that is what I am asking you for. Hope this makes sense as I am a designer not a techo so thanks for your patience.

    Alright. We just added another button next to the “framed” container. All you need to do is to change the href attribute value and the button title “In Home Care”.

    <div class="avia-button-wrap"><a href="" class="avia-button  avia-icon_select-no avia-color-theme-color avia-size-medium avia-position-left "><span class="avia_iconbox_title">In Home Care</span></a></div>

    We also added this css code:

    .framed + .avia-button-wrap {
        position: relative;
        top: 15px;

    Best regards,

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