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  • #1207307

    Hi team,
    I am the admin of this website and for a reason I still don’t know the home page is long to load and with my connection I will say sometimes very long to load, like more than 20/25 secondes.
    Any idea why? Sliders?
    Thank you.


    Well first on my end it works a little bit faster. but your slider has images with aprox 500kb and some 900kb – allthough they have smaller dimensions (1200px x 800px)
    see here if these are optimised for web f.e. with photoshop:

    Do you realy see a difference ?

    See here main reasons for it:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.

    Thank you. Which size (dimensions) would you recommand for the images to be in the main slider? I don’t use Photoshop, so will find a solution to reduce their “weight” (kb).


    A lot of people use the 100% jpg option which is not necessary.
    On Photoshop i use 35 til 55% jpgs – depends on the motive. For contrast rich photos the 35% is often ok. for monochromatique or fine gradients ( like skin tones ) there must be a bit more.


    I reduced the slider images to less than 100 kb each, still long…



    Your front page is very heavy, it’s more than 13mb. I would recommend that you try to limit the amount of images you are using. There are also almost 300 requests being made, I would advice you to try to limit that a bit also. Please see test results in private.

    Best regards,


    Interesting : by changing all Enfold theme bloc with regular bloc I went from 13mb to 4.5mb. Endolf theme and functions too heavy so ?
    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by mark.
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