I am struggling to decrease the size of the home page full width slider. Do I need to amend functions.php or is there a simpler way I am missing. I have uploaded the less deep image and enfold has made it big again. Thanks in advance
Hi aliquill!
The fullwidth slider will always stretch the image to 100% width and the height may increase if the screen resolution is higher than the image width. Kriesi uses images with a resolution of 1500px x 430px on his demo website: http://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/shortcodes/easy-slider/ – this should also be a good starting point for your images but you can select a different image size on the option page: http://www.clipular.com/c/6199712663207936.png?k=z3LVqIyzGAvZkbUFp9HSNxvmjwA