August 27, 2015 at 2:12 pm #494165
Hi there
I’m building a sales page and having real problems with updating the content.
I keep getting the message “Server lost connection.”
I’ve contacted my host who has increased the server time and max memory and it’s made no difference.
The worst thing is that when this happens it’s not just losing the recent updates – it’s corrupting the entire page and I’m losing hours of work.
I tried cloning pages, and managed to retrieve some of it. Then I read that cloned pages can corrupt so I used templates – still no luck and I’m running out of time to get this done, please help!
Thanks you
August 27, 2015 at 4:54 pm #494322Hi michelow!
Hmm, it seems more like a server issue than the theme. Does it do the same when the default theme is activated? Check your server error logs to see if there is any useful information in there.
Best regards,
ElliottAugust 27, 2015 at 5:04 pm #494329Hi Elliott
I’ve only ever used Enfold – can you tell me what happens to the look of my site if I activate the default theme?
I’m currently starting a really important launch and am scared of making it all disappear!
I opened a ticket with the hosting people and this is what they replied:
__________________Thanks for contacting us.
I can see that your site is producing end of script errors.
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 14:05:44 2015] [error] [client 81.170.83168:57476] AH01225: Error reading request entity data
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 15:19:47 2015] [error] [client] AH01225: Error reading request entity data
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 15:28:09 2015] [error] [client] AH01225: Error reading request entity data
michellelowbridgecom [Wed Aug 26 15:35:41 2015] [error] [client] AH01225: Error reading request entity data
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 15:37:39 2015] [error] [client] AH01225: Error reading request entity data
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 15:46:01 2015] [error] [client] AH01225: Error reading request entity data
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 16:22:58 2015] [error] [client] AH01224: Timeout during reading request entity data
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 16:56:47 2015] [error] [client] AH01225: Error reading request entity data
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 17:33:45 2015] [error] [client] AH01225: Error reading request entity data
michellelowbridge.com [Wed Aug 26 17:45:39 2015] [error] [client] AH01225: Error reading request entity dataI can also see that the developer of the site has not added php.ini file to prevent this. I have added one for you, with the following values:
max_execution_time = 300
memory_limit = 256M
max_input_vars = 3000
If you get this again, you would need to edit this file and up the values.
If the values are higher than the php that is being used, and you still get the errors, then please do not hesitate to get back to me.
Thanks for helping I am ready to throw the laptop out of the window ;-)
August 28, 2015 at 9:11 am #494686Hi,
What happened after they added the php.ini file, are you still having the same problems as before?
RikardAugust 28, 2015 at 4:25 pm #494949Yes exactly the same, thanks Rikard.
August 29, 2015 at 10:17 am #495269Hey!
Please ask your hosting provider to create a php info page and then send us the url. From there, we can check the actual memory limit of the server. In a few cases, changing php settings via php.ini file will not work because the default php settings set by the administrator is still being enforce.
IsmaelSeptember 16, 2015 at 1:14 pm #504029what happened with this? we are losing content continuously….every time we hit save. two different hosts we have tried now?
September 16, 2015 at 7:50 pm #504360Hi Gary thanks for reminding me to check this out – my hosting guy was away and I was launching so I just battled through in the end – and I need to get it sorted before I next need to use the theme. So no answers yet but I will do what Ismael asked :-)
September 16, 2015 at 7:53 pm #504361Hi!
Please do so and let us know so we can mark the thread as resolved or assist you further
YigitSeptember 21, 2015 at 9:15 pm #506688hi Yigit please see private content for URL to the image from my host.
Thank you
September 22, 2015 at 12:26 pm #506958Hey!
please activate a default WordPress theme and let us know if you have the same issue or not. You won’t loose any settings, though it’s best to have a backup, just in case.
AndySeptember 23, 2015 at 4:10 pm #507945Hi Andy, activated a default WP theme and didn’t have any problems with it timing out. Tried it with another default theme and no problems there either.
Do you think it might be something to do with the Advanced Layout Editor?
Thank you!
September 24, 2015 at 8:03 am #508194Hey!
We are actually asking for the whole php info page. The settings from the php.ini can be overridden by the default php settings. You can actually create a php info page yourself. Refer to this link: https://mediatemple.net/community/products/dv/204643880/how-can-i-create-a-phpinfo.php-page
Do you think it might be something to do with the Advanced Layout Editor?
There are a few of inquiries regarding this issue (losing content after update) and increasing the memory limit usually fix it. I tried to login to the dashboard but the login credentials you provided are not working. Please check.
IsmaelOctober 2, 2015 at 1:35 pm #512782Hi Ismael
New log in in private content
Thank you!
October 3, 2015 at 7:18 am #513098Hi!
Please try the following:
1.) Current PHP version is 5.3.28, please ask your hosting provider to upgrade to 5.4 or higher versions. There’s a slim chance that this will fix the issue but at least you get to upgrade PHP which is a plus.
2.) Go to wp-content, look for the plugins folder then rename it. This will temporarily disable all plugins in your installation. Remove browser cache then test the page editor.
3.) Try to adjust the auto save interval of WP. Add this in the wp-config.php file located in the wp root directory:
define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 99999);
If possible, please ask your hosting provider to create a php info page. Thank you.
IsmaelOctober 23, 2015 at 12:06 pm #523673I noticed yesterday that it seems to be much worse when I’m building longer pages with more content – does this indicate a particular problem / solution?
October 25, 2015 at 8:27 am #524345Hey!
According to other forums, memory limit is the main cause of the issue but there are no definitive instructions on how to fix it. Please refer to this link for a possible fix: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-the-error-establishing-a-database-connection-in-wordpress/
And yes, the builder tends to slow down a bit if you keep on adding more content just like any other builder out there. Is it OK if we deactivate the plugins while working on the site?
Best regards,
Ismael -
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