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  • #1363933

    Hallo zusammen,
    ich würde gerne in der dreispaltigen Rasterzeile ein Hintergrundbild einfügen, welches über die volle Breiter der Rasterzeile läuft und nicht nur in der Spalte. Gibt es da ein Workaround oder übersehe ich gerade einen Baum im Wald? :)
    Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
    Bei Rückfragen gerne fragen.


    Hey mulder4301,

    Are you asking about the Grid Row element? If so, then background images can be set if you edit each cell, then set the background image in the Styling->Background tab.

    Best regards,


    Hej Rikard
    that’s right: Grid Row.

    I like to set one background image through all cells, to make it look like as one background.
    Imagine the background is a landscape picture, which has to be shown as a background of the whole grid row.

    hope you got it, what I am thinking about.




    Thanks for the clarification. That’s possible using the Grid Row element. Please try using a Color Section element for the background, then 1/3 elements for the content.

    Best regards,


    I tried this solution already. But I need to use a 1/3 element within a grid, too.

    Now I redesigned the layout und solved the problem in another way.

    Thanks. ;-)



    Thanks for the update! We are glad you figured it out :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!


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