I’m trying to hide the admin name for extra security, this might make it a littler harder for anyone to hack the website.
because I’ve used other themes and when sucuri plugin is installed I keep getting emails telling me that a login attempt failed and they used the admin’s ID.
css will only hide it from the page, but it’s available in the source. I tried searching but couldn’t find anything, everyone was using css.
please help me if there is anyway to do that.
Thank you.
Hey sam-to-911!
You can go to the User Settings, edit admin and from there make visible the Username or First & Last Name to be so the username will not be visible.
Let us know if that will work
Thank you ! That changed the name, but a link is still there with the username.
is there a way to remove the link ?
Thanks again :D
I just found this: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/5742/change-the-author-slug-from-username-to-nickname
This will change the link from “/author/username” to “/author/nickname”
this is perfect, this way anyone who’s trying to find your admin username will only see the nickname (which should be changed to anything else from the profile edit page)
We are happy you could solve it.
Please feel free to let us know if we can do anything else.
Best regards,