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  • #807864

    Hello guys!

    Is it possible to hide the fact that website uses wordpress theme and child theme? In developer tools you can see a lot information that needs to be hidden. For example in the <head> you are able to see this:

    Debugging Info for Theme support:

    Theme: Enfold
    Version: 4.0.7
    Installed: enfold
    AviaFramework Version: 4.6
    AviaBuilder Version: 0.9.5
    – – – – – – – – – – –
    ChildTheme: Enfold Child
    ChildTheme Version: 1.0
    ChildTheme Installed: enfold

    Updates: disabled

    and all custom CSS made for website. I work locally, but the site will go online soon, and I would like to hide that.

    Thank you for help!




    Hey PovezujemoSi,

    You can remove that from the style.css file, though you will likely get problems with automatic updates if you do, so you will probably have to update manually if you change that info.

    Best regards,


    These info shouldn’t be displayed at all times, but only when the support team needs them. It would be good to have a theme option to hide them or display them only for admin users.

    Anyways, to remove this “debugging info” comment from the <head>, add this to your child theme’s function.php :

    // prevent enfold's debug info from being displayed in head by defining the avia_debugging_info function before enfold does.
    function avia_debugging_info(){}

    This will override (or more correctly, “define beforehand”) the avia_debugging_info function that’s located in /enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-frontend.php, effectively preventing these info from being displayed.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by grizzlydev.

    Thank you! That worked.

    What about other wordpress theme in the <head> information? Is it ok to hide them? Do you maybe know which plugin would do the best job?




    What else do you want to hide exactly ?



    You can try using a plugin such as this one – but please contact plugins authors and ask them if they had any experience with Enfold to be on the safe side :)



    When you click <head> dropdown, there are a lot information that website uses wordpress, which theme and all information that I want to hide. For example:

    <link rel=”stylesheet” id=”avia-scs-css” href=”http://localhost/wp//wp-content/themes/enfold/css/shortcodes.css?ver=2&#8243; type=”text/css” media=”all”>

    but that is just one line, there are many different lines that say -> this site uses WordPress, this site uses Enfold theme,…




    It may become very complex to customize every resource url like you wish to, and it takes time to track down every place where such urls are defined in the code. So, I would follow Yigit’s advice and use a dedicated plugin for that.

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