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  • #1451963

    Hi there!
    There are some threads way back that deal with this topic, but i think they are outdated.
    I have added a youtube video using the video element, but I would love it if the name of the channel would not be visible on either mobile or desktop.
    Can anyone help with that? The link for the page is posted in the private content.


    Hey Mihai,
    Thank you for the link to your site, unfortunately YouTube doesn’t allow you to disable these features anymore, your best solution is to host the video on your site in the media library instead.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the help, Mike!
    Unfortunately, it’s a live stream and I can’t do that.

    I found a workarownd on the forum from 2016 that would have canceled the overlay of the video, without interfering with youtube.
    As long as you don’t hover the mouse above the youtube video, the link does not show up and all is good. But i can’t get it to work.

    .av-click-overlay {
    display: none;


    That won’t work because what you want to block is from the youtube iframe and you can not block items in a iframe from your domain, it must be blocked from the source domain. A lot has changed since 2016.

    Best regards,

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