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  • #480127


    after several research, i found this Post

    I try to basically doing the same thing : hide button in the admin bar when you write a page.

    This code works perfectly for hidding the “button” shortcode.

    add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'enfold_customization_admin' );
    function enfold_customization_admin() {
    	echo '<style type = "text/css">';
    	echo '#mceu_63 { display: none; }';
    	echo 'a[href="#avia_sc_button"] { display: none; }';
    	echo '</style>';	

    But I can’t find out where is the list of unique ID. There is one ?

    When i add this, nothing else hidding.

    add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'enfold_customization_admin' );
    function enfold_customization_admin() {
    	echo '<style type = "text/css">';
    	echo '#mceu_63 { display: none; }';
    	echo '#mceu_64 { display: none; }';
    	echo 'a[href="#avia_sc_button"] { display: none; }';
    	echo 'a[href="#shortcode_insert_button"] { display: none; }';
    	echo '</style>';	

    Where i can find the unique ID list and hidde other button in the admin bar.

    Thx for your help.


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Elliott.

    Hey leplusweb!

    You’ll just need to right click your page source and view the IDs that way. Which element are you trying to remove?




    When I Inspect the source of a button (for example the Headline Rotator). I don’t find the ID.

    I have this code

    <a data-avia-tooltip="Creates a text rotator for dynamic headings" data-dragdrop-level="3" href="#avia_sc_headline_rotator" class="shortcode_insert_button avia-target-insert ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle"><img src="" alt="Headline Rotator"><span>Headline Rotator</span></a>

    Where can I find the ID for this ?

    Thx for your help.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by leplusweb.


    For the headline rotator you can use this.

    a[href="#avia_sc_headline_rotator"] { display: none; }

    Best regards,


    Simply that ?

    Ok I think there is an unique ID for each button. That’s why in my first code i add :

    	echo '#mceu_63 { display: none; }';
    	echo '#mceu_64 { display: none; }';

    Thx for your help.




    Where are you adding this code? If into your custom CSS, please change it to

    #mceu_63,#mceu_64 { display: none; }

    Best regards,

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