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  • #498862


    Like many here, I have an issue with a background image on a mobile display conflicting with text. I’d like to hide the background image and have inputed the following CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    .hide-bg-mobile { display: none !important; }}

    but this removes everything, including the text that we want shown.

    I’ve tried

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    .hide-bg-mobile { background: none !important; }}

    but this has no effect.

    Can you please help? I’ve provided a link for your convenience


    Hey entrepreneur41,

    I can’t see anything on that page except text reading “Your message has been sent. We’ll be back in touch soon!”, what am I supposed to see?



    Yeah I pulled the whole background picture, since it wasn’t working out with the mobiles. In the end I prefer the simplicity; gonna keep it like this for now. Thanks anyway!

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