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  • #1121433

    I want to hide “Archive for:” in category pages. I found the appropriate code in this file: function-set-avia-frontend.php. My question: How do I get my changes in the child theme ?

    What I tried:
    – Create a shortcode folder and save the file in it
    – Added the function for the shortcode folder
    .. unfortunately that does not work


    Hey frankeee,

    What you tried is basically to replace ALB element that’s why it’s not working.
    To replace this in your child theme just copy the whole avia_which_archive function, don’t include if(!function_exists(‘avia_which_archive’)) and paste it on your child theme’s functions.php.
    Then tweak the function. Hope it helps :)

    Best regards,


    Hey Nikko,
    thanks for your hint! I tried it:

    add_filter('Tag Archive for:','avia_framework', 10, 3);
    function avia_framework($output)
    			$output = __('NOTHING','avia_framework')." ".$term->name;
                return $output;

    … but it does not work. This is the original output :

    $output = __('Tag Archive for:','avia_framework')." ".single_tag_title('',false);
    			$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
    			$output = __('Archive for:','avia_framework')." ".$term->name;

    Is my function faulty?


    Hi frankeee,

    Yes, I think there are some extra curly braces, those are used only when there are functions or conditional statements like if/else.
    Can you try this:

    function avia_which_archive() {
    	$output = __('NOTHING','avia_framework')." ".$term->name;
    	return $output;

    Best regards,


    .. O.K. this is working – thanks! But the name of the category has disappeared too!

    Actually, only the “Archive for:” should disappear not the name of the category. If I modify the code in function-set-avia-frontend.php in such a way:

    			$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
    			$output = __(':','avia_framework')." ".$term->name;

    … I come to the right output. Question: is this possible in the function?


    Hi frankeee,

    Just to be sure you can just copy the whole function and pick only that part that has Archive for, for example this one:

    $output = __('Archive for:','avia_framework')." ".$term->name;

    just replace it with:

    $output = $term->name;

    Best regards,


    sorry, I’m not a php programmer. but if I understood it correctly, the function must look like this:

    function avia_which_archive () {
    $ output = $ term-> name;
    return $ output;

    … the problem unfortunately remains the same (name of the category will not display). Can you please have a closer look? I will give you login credentials in private content


    Hi frankeee,

    Thanks for giving us admin access. I have added this code in your functions.php (I just tweak the part for category and taxonomy):

    function avia_which_archive()
    	$output = "";
    	if ( is_category() )
    		$output = single_cat_title('',false);
    	elseif (is_day())
    		$output = __('Archive for date:','avia_framework')." ".get_the_time( __('F jS, Y','avia_framework') );
    	elseif (is_month())
    		$output = __('Archive for month:','avia_framework')." ".get_the_time( __('F, Y','avia_framework') );
    	elseif (is_year())
    		$output = __('Archive for year:','avia_framework')." ".get_the_time( __('Y','avia_framework') );
    	elseif (is_search())
    		global $wp_query;
    			if($wp_query->found_posts > 1)
    				$output =  $wp_query->found_posts ." ". __('search results for:','avia_framework')." ".esc_attr( get_search_query() );
    				$output =  $wp_query->found_posts ." ". __('search result for:','avia_framework')." ".esc_attr( get_search_query() );
    				$output = __('Search results for:','avia_framework')." ".esc_attr( get_search_query() );
    				$output = __('To search the site please enter a valid term','avia_framework');
    	elseif (is_author())
    		$curauth = (get_query_var('author_name')) ? get_user_by('slug', get_query_var('author_name')) : get_userdata(get_query_var('author'));
    		$output = __('Author Archive','avia_framework')." ";
    		if(isset($curauth->nickname) && isset($curauth->ID))
    			$name = apply_filters('avf_author_nickname', $curauth->nickname, $curauth->ID);
    			$output .= __('for:','avia_framework') ." ". $name;
    	elseif (is_tag())
    		$output = single_tag_title('',false);
    		$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
    		$output = $term->name;
    		$output = __('Archives','avia_framework')." ";
    	if (isset($_GET['paged']) && !empty($_GET['paged']))
    		$output .= " (".__('Page','avia_framework')." ".$_GET['paged'].")";
    	$output = apply_filters('avf_which_archive_output', $output);
    	return $output;

    Best regards,


    … nice – it´s working!
    Quite a lot of code to hide “Archive for:”. Anyway thanks a lot for your support!


    Hi frankeee,

    Yes, that quite some code there but it’s necessary to make sure it’s the right title for the right pages :D
    We’re glad that we could help
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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