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  • #1277947


    does anybody know a possibility to place the hidden texts of the social media bookmark boxes below the boxes instead on top of them?
    Some CSS code should help to add some margin or something to avia_hidden_link_text to change the position, but I don’t even know, where the css for this box comes from… and changes within the quick css settings don’t have any effects (though I added !important to them).

    To make it perfect, the tiny speech bubble “arrow” should also show to the bottom.



    can you show me a link to a demo page of enfold ( link ) where that is shown?
    do you refer to those tooltips on hovering the share button?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.

    The boxes are below “Share this entry”

    do you refer to those tooltips on hovering the share button?

    Yes :)


    this is hard stuff – because it seems to be calculated values in the infinite vastness of the source code.
    Maybe some of the Devs knows where to find.

    li.av-share-link:hover .avia-related-tooltip  {
      transform: translateY(15px) !important;
      top: unset !important;
      margin-top: unset !important;
    li.av-share-link:hover .avia-related-tooltip .avia-arrow-wrap {
      top: 0 !important;
      bottom: auto !important;
      transform: scaleY(-1) !important;

    This quick css solution is an insufficient solution of the whole, because the original container initially appears for fractions of a moment at the top position.


    Works great on first sight… Thank you very much, again!

    is an insufficient solution of the whole, because the original container initially appears for fractions of a moment at the top position.

    That’s true. But it’s still better than nothing for me. But maybe there is even a solution for that.


    avia.js pos1 is for top positioning since lines: 1598 and on focus 1773ff
    now it is to look if there could be a child-theme solution.
    But on reading those lines – isn’t there a bottom position as option? ( Edit – no seems to be only for image with tooltip )


    isn’t there a bottom position as option

    No, in the options, you can only select the social media services to be shown there. Nothing about the look or styles.


    yes on avia.js line 32 :
    you can enter postion:’bottom’ and the rest will be css – but maybe a mod knows a child-theme solution without having a whole avia.js on child-theme folder.

    new $.AviaTooltip({"class": 'avia-related-tooltip', data: 'avia-related-tooltip', position:'bottom', scope: ".related_posts, .av-share-box", attach:'element', delay:0});

    on line 1609 maybe that is enough to replace top with bottom – sadly this is not a pluggable function ( if function exists …) then it would be ease to have a child theme solution)

    Sorry – hope ismael or günter knows how to.


    Thank you very much!
    I changed it and it works great for now….

    I have a (very short) list of things, I changed… so I can recreate changes after an update.
    But if the devs know a better solution, I’m interested of course.

    Until then, yours solution works great. Thank you very much, again :)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by GrandmasterA.

    Hi GrandmasterA,

    Glad you got it working for you with Guenni007’s! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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