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  • #371474

    I was wondering if there was a way to do the following:

    have a header… click that and a menu / list / accordion appears below it. then you click on the accordion or menu header(?) and submenu / sub accordions comedown… then you can click on one to go to that specific product page.
    Almost like a flow chart feel – but all is hidden until you click each above header. Does that make sense ?
    an accordion with sub and sub/sub headers underneath or..

    Header (shows) – click then:

    Subheaders show

    — click one of the sub headers and the products under that show..
    — click on a product go to that page.

    or best yet :
    allow the: Fullwidth Sub Menu not be fullwidth and able to go vertical not horizontal.. that would be the IDEAL solution

    any chance?



    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by grwebs.

    Hey grwebs!

    The full width submenu works by hovering and not clicking so I don’t think that’s what your wanting.

    It sounds like what your wanting to do is use the accordion element and then add links or the icon list element inside it.


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