I found this, I have columns in a grid, please let me know where I use the .equal columns & .av_one_full in the develop settings, thank you.
//make grid equal height columns with class
function equal_height_columns() {
(function () {
const wrapper = document.querySelector(“.equal-columns”);
if (!wrapper) return;
const columns = wrapper.querySelectorAll(“.av_one_full”);
let maxHeight = 0;
function adjustHeight(el) {
el.style.height = maxHeight + “px”;
function findMaxHeight(el) {
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, el.clientHeight);
add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘equal_height_columns’);
Hey finchkelsey,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You may need to add the class name “equal-columns” in the Grid Row > Advanced > Developer Settings > Custom CSS Class field. Please note that the modification above is only intended for 1/1 Columns. You can provide the site or test page URL in the private field so that we can check it further.
Best regards,