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  • #1479629
    Rowin Klerks


    We have a website that we use on our support department. It uses the Enfold theme. However the coworker who used to handle this websites business has moved on to a new company and didn’t properly document everything. It is in regard to 2 separate purchases apparently. Back in 2023.

    Now I can prove that we paid for your theme but I can’t retrieve the purchase code. Would it be possible for me to get a personal token? So I can properly update the website and document things accordingly.

    Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to offer. Apologies if this is not the correct form to use for this question but I can’t get in touch otherwise.


    Hey Rowin Klerks,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You will need to ask the previous developer for the purchase code or access to the account used to purchase the theme. Otherwise, you’ll have to create your own account and purchase another license to generate a private token and register the theme.

    You could try asking ThemeForest if you have the receipts or necessary credentials to prove that you purchased the theme.

    Best regards,

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