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  • #1400578

    Dear team,

    I would like to activate the following private key (see private content) for a new project.
    The old website (see private content as well) is not connected anymore, so I doon’t have a chance to enter and to deactivate the key there.

    Unfortunately I receive this error message:

    Als wir das letzte Mal das Token überprüft haben, konnten wir keine Verbindung zu Envato herstellen:

    Auf die Einkäufe konnte nicht zugegriffen werden
    Auf den Benutzernamen konnte nicht zugegriffen werden (wird nur zu Ihrer Information benötigt)
    Auf E-Mail konnte nicht zugegriffen werden (wird nur zu Ihrer Information benötigt)
    Following errors occurred:

    Einkäufe Ihr privater Token ist ungültig.
    username Ihr privater Token ist ungültig.
    email Ihr privater Token ist ungültig.
    Purchases: A problem occurred accessing your purchases. Unable to check for updates.

    What can I do?
    Looking forward to your help,
    thanks a lot,
    best regards, T


    Hey tobiasfries12,

    Please try following this:

    Best regards,


    Well, thanks, but not really: the process of getting the code is A NIGHTMARE!!
    Other WP related tools like Bookly make it much easier: the purchase code EQUALS the token.
    Why not here?
    Why do we have to get a 25 points procedure, which I personally don’t have time nor patience for.

    It would be nice if this could be a little easier.
    I have worked many years with Enfold, the theme is good, but there are other good ones around, too.


    Hi T,

    I understand your frustration but this is not related to Enfold. This is because we exclusively sell on ThemeForest/Envato and they offer a Purchase Code and Personel Tokens for better management.

    Purchase codes are mostly used as proof of purchase (e.g. to register to our support forums) and Personal Tokens are used to update the themes and plugins.

    If you’d like to request a simpler process, please feel free to contact the Envato support team.

    Best regards,

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