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  • #1230358

    I am trying to make my text not show until hover but have been unable to figure out how to do this. I want the first word to show then on hover the remaining appear. Here’s an example of a site that does this.
    It is the Block of houses with the city in in.

    Any help, I would greatly appreciate!

    Added the site I’m working on to the private content.



    Hey smsutton,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The Image element has an option where you can display the caption on hover. It’s not exactly the same as the examples in the other site, but it should work fine. You can set the caption to display on hover by adjusting the element’s Advanced > Animation > Caption Appearance settings.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your reply! That might work, but the image is a background image and just has the text on top of it.

    I’ll see if I can make it work the way you suggested.



    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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