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  • #875450

    Hi, could you explain the relationship between the main logo and trasparent logo?

    I have been unsuccesfull at targeting them individually. I’d like to be able to apply styles individually but can’t seem to separate the two.
    For example, suppose I wanted to apply different padding to each…..

    “what goes here to target the first logo”{

    “what goes here to target the transparent logo”{

    Do they even have their own class or would I have to take a different approach?


    Hey Swbride,
    The transparent logo has a added class, here are two examples.
    transparent logo:

    #top .av_header_transparency.av_alternate_logo_active .logo {padding-top: 20px !important;}

    main logo:

    #top .logo {padding-top: 20px !important;}

    Best regards,

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