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  • #412739

    Hey folks – I’m trying to use the Facet WP plugin to enable a filtering system by letter of the alphabet.

    I’ve contacted the developer as I’m having troubles getting the plugin to work with the Avia Layout Builder.

    I’m hoping you guys can help as we’re about to launch!

    1 – so I’ve got a custom post type called ‘people’
    2 – I’ve had to use the avia layout builder to create the single custom post type due to the way we need to display content see here
    3 – the default layout for the feed is this which looks pretty bad to the way it handles the featured image and the image at the top of the post as it’s pulling all the content before the ‘read more’ button
    4 – so I created another page using the layout builder to display the ‘people’ feed like I want here

    unfortualtey I can’t get the Facet WP to work on this page as there is no way for the FacetWP to “intercept” the WP_Query instance. We got it working on a category page see here – as we were able to edit the template file

    so is there a way we can intercept the WP_Query instance for this page that is built with a layout editor



    Hi ShortieD!

    Thank you for coming back.

    You can have a look in the folder enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\.

    There you find the code for the elements of the ALB or the shortcodes you can insert with the editor.

    Look for the appropriate element and check, how your plugin can be integrated.

    Sorry, but it is out of the scope of the support forum. It is not possible for us to support every 3-rd party plugin.

    If you have any problems concerning the code of our elements we will be happy to assist you – feel free to come back.

    Best regards,

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