I have three problems that I cant solve in your wordpress theme.
So please if you can help me.
1. In the imported theme “GYM Demo” the main navigational menu is gray, and when you put the mouse pointer over it, it becomes red. I would like to change that red color in the blue, because I have set the theme colors to be “Blue-Gray”, but I cant find that option. Where I can fix that in the settings?
2. On the same theme as prob. no. 1, the “Special Heading” elements doesnt destinguish between upper and lower case letters. All the prints are in capital letters. Where I can fix that and also differences between H1, H2, … H6 shold be only in the font size. How I can fix that?
3. In the imported theme “Photography Portfolio Demo” in the main manu below the title of the page there is page description. Where I can find option to delete or edit page description?
Milan Petrovic
Hey Milan,
Please do register as a user on our support forum, with your purchase key, so we can be able to assist you.
Thank you very much
Best regards,