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  • #503879

    Actually, I have purchased this theme since June 2015 but just ready to use it. Looking through the Incarnation theme folder I downloaded, I cannot find the “…extensive help file with videos to help you understand how it works”.

    Where can I find the Help Files and Videos?

    Thank you for your magical response


    Hi Pastorow!

    I don’t think there are any help files or videos for Incarnation theme. What do you want to know? we are happy to answer your questions.



    Thanks Andy for your response.

    A few things:

    1. How do I rename and/or reorder the main menu without having to create a new menu list?
    2. If I have to create a new main menu; How do I retain the existing template such that I do not have a blank “Home” page to start with, for instance?
    3. How do I edit text on the different pages using existing template?

    I have been able to find my way around with the aid of watching videos of themes that are somewhat similar to Incarnation. I am however disappointed that you do not have a help video because you expressly said so at




    1. You can rename and reorder the main menu via the menu section, under appearance, as shown below:

    2. If you create a different menu, your homepage will still be set to “Home” in your theme options. So assuming you change the name of the original “Home” menu item, it should still be linked to the “Home” page and template.

    3. Once you are logged into an admin account, navigate to any page and there you should see an “edit page” or “edit post” button on your dashboard (top of the browser window).

    All basic to advanced documentation for Incarnation can be found in the documentation folder in your main Incarnation folder.



    Thank you Dake



    You’re welcome, glad we could help :)

    Please let us know if you ever need any help in the future.



    Hey Dake,

    Three things:

    1. How do I integrate or embed an existing blog from “blogger” into the blog page of the Incarnation theme
    2. How do I edit the page footer
    3. How do I edit the portion of the footer that says copyright (c)

    Grateful for your kind assistance



    1. You can import your blog from blogger by following the instructions here:

    2. You can edit the footer via the “Footer Column” widgets in your widget section:

    3. You can edit the copyright section by following the below instructions:



    Fantastic, all three worked! Thank you Dake

    Just a hitch on the imported blog at the “Most Recent Blog Entries” column on the home page. I want it to show just 4 to 5 lines of the content and then “read more” below that. Currently it displays the entire content with the effect of stretching the page disproportionately. How do I make it say “Read More” after a few lines?



    Never mind Dake, I got that one about the “Read More” figured out already :)


    But I’ll need help on the Twitter Widget I embedded in Column 4 of my Homepage footer as follows:

    Title: Latest Tweets

    Enter your twitter username: @clcclagos

    How many entries do you want to display: 3

    Exclude @replies: No

    Display time of tweet : Yes

    Display Twitter User Avatar : Yes

    Its not pulling or displaying the tweets . Is there anything I am missing?

    Thanks for your help



    May we have temporary access to your website so we can take a closer look?



    Okay Dake, thats fine




    Thank you for the link to your website :)

    However, I will need a temporary admin account so I can take a look at the widget section in your backend



    Alright Dake

    You might as well look around and advise on the areas I may be getting wrong. You might have guessed that I am new to wordpress :)

    Many thanks

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Josue.


    please try to deactivate all plugins to check if one is causing this issue. Afterwards you can activate them one by one to see which one is making problems. Hope this helps!

    Best regards,


    Thanks Andy for the direction

    I deactivated all plugins, deleted all the ones I installed, activated them one after the other but the problem persists.

    I’ll appreciate your further guidance.





    Does it work with the official Twitter plugin?

    If not then it’s most likely that you need to delete / recreate your twitter API key and regenerate new ones.



    Hello Dake,

    1. How do I restore the main image into my “who we are page”? It simply disappeared!
    2. How to I restore my imported blog from WordPress into my “Discover More” page (Blog Page). Also the blog entries just disappeared!

    I did not change any of these settings and so cannot figure out what went wrong.

    Again I have provided my login details below for you to have a closer look. Thank you


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Josue.


    1. I’m not sure what image you are referring to. May we have a link to your blogger website if that is where the image originally came from.

    2. You need to set “Discover More” to your main blog page via your theme options:



    Thank you Dake. Our blog is now restored on the “Discover More” page.

    The image I am referring to is not from the blog website. Its the hitherto Large Banner (default) image on the “About us” page which I have renamed “Who we are” page. The image is visible on the home page (where we have the “Who we are” column, amongst the 2 other small columns) but not showing on the main “who we are” (“About us”) page.




    You can restore the image by using the add media button at the top of the edit page:

    View post on



    Oh yes! Done.


    Finally on this, how do I get the “Who we are” column, amongst the 2 other small columns on the “Homepage” to show the exact image I uploaded and excerpts from the “who we are” page?


    No. 2


    The portion that says “ You are Welcome to Christ Lovers Christian Centre, a Family of Love” is supposed to come under the image not above it!

    I have checked the “Edit Dynamic Template of this entry” but can seem to find the settings to adjust that

    Thanks for your great help


    Finally on this, how do I get the “Who we are” column, amongst the 2 other small columns on the “Homepage” to show the exact image I uploaded and excerpts from the “who we are” page?

    Just edit the pages which you have selected inside you columns. The content of those pages will be displayed there.

    The portion that says “ You are Welcome to Christ Lovers Christian Centre, a Family of Love” is supposed to come under the image not above it!

    Use this code in Quick CSS field:

    .outer_callout.dynamic_element.dynamic_el_2 {
    position: relative;
    top: 515px;

    and adjust as needed.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Andy

    1. Inserting the code in the Quick CSS field worked! But how do I adjust as needed? I am new to this.

    2. RE: Just edit the pages which you have selected inside you columns. The content of those pages will be displayed there-

    I seem to have done everything, checked my settings but the content of those pages are still not displayed in the column on the homepage. Am I missing something?

    3. I want to remove the “subscribe Rss feed” and replace with ” Facebook” in column 4 of my footer. I read the instructions at but its not clear where I should begin. Where do I get to “Incarnation/framework/php folder and open class-framework-widgets.php file” for instance?

    Thanks lots




    1. Adjust “top” value from 515px to whatever you need.

    2. Not sure what you mean, because I can see image and excerpt just fine. Clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times.

    3. You can open those files via FTP. Use a program like FileZilla for example.



    Hello Andy,

    Thanks again for your help.

    I have cleared the cache and done a hard refresh on safari yet what I see in the column is the sample text- “This is the Excerpt of the About Page. It will be used whenever you choose to display the page with the dynamic template builder” not the text I inserted in the “Who we” are page.
    Are you seeing anything different?

    Secondly, I expect the image displayed to be the one inserted by the “Add Media” tab and not the image inserted for slideshow (which is not needed anyway).
    I would appreciate further clarification and direction on this point please.

    On the matter of adjusting the value “515px to whatever you need”. I did that before requesting your assistance and the text “You are welcome to Christ Lovers Christian Centre, a family of Love!” simply disappeared altogether! And what I really want to do is to move that particular text a tad bit lower. Its not working

    Kindly advise.



    Hello Dake,

    I want to Replace “Subscribe to RSS feeds” with a “Facebook like” widget (footer), Please advise on the steps to follow?

    Secondly I want to insert a “Facebook share button” or “Share it” button in the body of all the pages. How do I achieve that?

    Thirdly, I did not get a response to my request in last correspondence.

    Thanks for your help



    would be best to open a new thread for you questions, as this thread has nothing to do with what you are asking.

    You need to download a facebook like plugin for this function. Sames goes for share button.

    About which response are you talking about? can you give us a link please?


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