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  • #586253

    I have two WP sites up on the same hosting platform (HostGator). One is a dev site, the other is what we will eventually release. I exported the home page from the dev to the other and the headline rotator is acting completely different on the non-dev site. Links to both are in the private section. The dev site is what I want. The problem is with the rotating portion. On the dev site, it’s on a single line. On the imported prod site it creates space for four lines, then rotates the text into those four lines.


    Hey tommoore!

    You have BR tags on your “other” site. Please remove them. You can also add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    span.av-rotator-text-single + br { display: none; }



    Where did you see the BR tags? I don’t show those in the element at all.


    Okay – I see what you’re seeing, but I didn’t add the br tags. The Advanced Layout Editor shows just a Headline Rotator Element and the text in each of the rotating text does not have BR tags.

    “40+ Years of Experience” is all that’s in there.
    Is the Headline Rotator element adding them somehow? I’ve matched up all the options identical to the dev site.



    If you do not mind creating a temporary admin login, we can look into it. Custom CSS code should solve the issue in any case



    Sure – information is below.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by tommoore.


    I can’t see that both headline rotators are behaving completely different. They look pretty same to me. Could you fix it already? If not can you highlight using screenshots please? use or dropbox.



    I fixed it using the CSS you supplied. I would rather not have to do that. But for now it works. If you remove the CSS, you can see the problem return.



    as Yigit already mentioned: feel free to remove css code and then you just need to remove the BR tags.

    Best regards,


    I’ve removed the CSS and the problem is back. There are no BR tags on the Headline rotator. Can you login and take a look again?



    just use the code Yigit provided to you here, because it will remove it. Maybe a conflict with a plugin or something like this is causing this issue. Maybe you just need to update to Enfold v3.5.1.



    My Enfold installs all say I am current at 3.4.7. Is there a different process to update? I want to be sure I don’t lose anything.



    You could try updating manually via FTP if you’re unable to update through the backend. Current version of the theme is now 3.5.2:



    As the headline rotates between quotes, depending on the size of the quote and how many lines it occupies, it’ll shift all the page contents beneath it up and down. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening? To self contain the headline rotator so that it doesn’t shift everything beneath it?
    Please take a look at the headline rotator at the top of my linked page so you can see exactly what I mean.
    Thanks in advance!



    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    h3.av-rotator-container-inner {
        min-height: 50px;

    Best regards,


    Beautiful! It worked! Thank you so much Yigit.

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