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  • #1478214

    For my top main headline, “Gain the Edge”, I already changed it to blue but also want it either bolder or slightly larger. Or even a drop shadow. I tried bold html but it did nothing. You guys are great at this. Take a look and let me know CSS and your suggestions. Here what I have now.

    <font color=”#04aef7″>Gain the Edge</font></BR>with Web Design, </BR>SEO & A.I.


    If there is code to just make the top line bolder or a little larger, that would be ideal. Something to separate it from the rest.

    This is what I have now, but it doesn’t change it enough
    Gain the Edge</BR><font color=”#04aef7″>with Web Design, </BR>SEO & A.I.</font>.



    I’m not sure that I fully understand what you are looking to achieve, could you post a screenshot highlighting the changes you would like to make please?

    Best regards,

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